On 1/22/21 10:34 AM, vnr wrote:
Hello 😊

I'm trying to use the combinator Pry parser library (https://code.dlang.org/packages/pry/0.3.2), but, as I'll explain in the rest of this message, it seems to be a bad version of the lib that dub downloads me.

So, simply by adding pry as a dependency on a virgin project, and using features that are present in the documentation and examples, dub indicates that these features are non-existent. I have identified the following combinators that were not recognized: `delimited`, `optional`, `skipWs`, `slice`, `utfString` and also the `stk `atom. There may be others.

Searching in the code and in the different versions, it seems that the combinators I quoted are not part of the old versions (under 0.3.2), but it is indeed this version that I included in the blank project...

Here is a simple example (by the way, the examples in the "example" folder don't work for me either):
import pry;
import std.stdio;

void main()
     alias S = SimpleStream!string;
         auto p = delimited(range!('0', '9').rep, tk!',');
         auto s = "3,3,4".stream;
         string[] values;
         S.Error err;
         auto r = p.parse(s, values, err);
With the following dub.sdl :
name "test"
dependency "pry" version="~>0.3.2"
By building, I get:
$ dub build
pry 0.3.2: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
test ~master: building configuration "application"...
source\app.d(9,12): Error: undefined identifier delimited

What's wrong with all this? How come I'm using the "newest" version of pry, but an older version of the library seems to be used instead?

Is there a problem with the way I use dub, or is the library too old (4 years old anyway)?

It just needs a tag. delimited (for example) added here:


May of 2017, Last tag was v0.3.2 on January 2017.

Just add an issue, ask Dmitry to release a new version.


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