On Wednesday, 17 February 2021 at 09:21:47 UTC, Rumbu wrote:
In the expression below:

return matchAll(content, keywordsPattern)
            .map!(a => a.hit.stripLeft("[").strip("]"))
            .fold!((a, b) => a ~ "," ~ b)
            .map!(a => a.stripLeft("\" ").strip("\" "))
.filter!(a => !a.any!(b => b == ' ' || b == '\\' || b == '/' || b == ':'))

fold is throwing an exception if the result of the previous map is empty. Is there any way to express something to convince fold to return the empty range received from map?

Of course, I know I can test for empty in a separate expression, but I'd like to keep my expression flow as it is.

I think you can try using `fold` with seed value:
             .map!(a => a.hit.stripLeft("[").strip("]"))
             .fold!((a, b) => a ~ "," ~ b)("")
it'll use empty string as first element in range.

BTW perheps you could use `joinner` instead of this `fold` to join values with ",".

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