I have the following struct declaration:

struct Hash_Table(Key, Value, u32 delegate(ref Key) custom_hash_function = null){



When I try to instance the Type like this:

Hash_Table!(Component*, Component_Tick_Info, (c) => hash32(c.handle.bitfield)) my_hash_table;

I get the following compile error

source\vbl.d(2338): Error: undefined identifier `Key`
source\vessel.d(840): while looking for match for `__lambda4!Key` source\vessel.d(840): while looking for match for `Hash_Table!(Component*, Component_Tick_Info, (c) => hash32(c.handle.bitfield))`

vbl.d(2338) is the line of the struct declaration.

I take it from the error that the problem is not actually the delegate that I am passing, but the fact that the delegate type has another template parameter as the argument type. Can template arguments in D not reference previous template arguments? Is there some way I can get around this?

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