On Sunday, 21 February 2021 at 17:17:56 UTC, Marcone wrote:
        ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
        std.file.write("foo.zip", zip.build());

        ArchiveMember f = new ArchiveMember();
        f.name = "Wallpaper_001.png";
        std.file.write("foo.zip", zip.build());

File is added with file size 0.
How can I use expandedData for add images files? Or what I use for it?

expandedData should hold the contents of the uncompressed file, as byte array. So something like:

f.name = "Wallpaper_001.png";
f.expandedData = cast(ubyte[])std.file.read("Wallpaper_001.png");

should work. f.name = "Wallpaper_001.png" only says "create a file named Wallpaper_001.png inside the zip". It doesn't say "put the Wallpaper_001.png file into the zip".

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