On Friday, 12 March 2021 at 22:18:59 UTC, tsbockman wrote:
Why do you think you need a `void[]` slice? I think `void*` pointers are sufficient. This handles all normal data types, as long as they are allocated on the GC heap:

I wanted to have the registry own the structs' memory, though using new makes more sense on second thought. Your example templated implementation makes so much sense, though it doesn't work in this case. Thanks for the idea though.

Aye, I'm using hashes. The idea is to support either D interfaces or structs with arbitrary content.

You can use TypeInfo references as the keys for the struct types, too. It's better than hashes because the TypeInfo is already being generated anyway, and is guaranteed to be unique, unlike your hashes which could theoretically collide.

Makes sense. Using TypeInfo never occurred to me. I assume they are generated for COM classes as well?

`I` is *not* the type of an interface instance, it is the type of a reference to an instance of the interface.

So `I i` is a reference to the instance, which itself holds a reference to the implementation, like a reference to a delegate (pointer to (ctx, fn))?

No. What you are calling "the implementation" is the same thing as "the instance". `I i` is a reference into the interior of the implementing class instance, offset such that it points at the virtual function table pointer for that interface. The lowering is something like this:

interface I { ... }
class C : I { ... }
struct C_Instance {
    void* __vtblForC;
    // ... other junk
    void* __vtblForI;
    // ... explicit and inherited class fields, if any.

C c = new C; // Works like `C_Instance* c = new C_Instance;`
I i = c; // Works like `void** i = (C_Instance.__vtblForI.offsetof + cast(void*) c);`

Makes sense, I always thought of them as existing in separate places.

So much head-bashing, and it's over. Thanks, tsbockman, Imperatorn.

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