On Thursday, 18 March 2021 at 06:02:03 UTC, Elronnd wrote:
Meson doesn't track dependencies properly for d, so your dirty builds will be wrong if you go that route.

You might consider keeping the c and d code in the same repository, but with separate build systems; using dub to build the d code and and whatever tool you prefer for c. Or try reggae.

Hi Elronnd

You might be right. Since Visual D is highly spoken of on these forums I decided to give it a go. I don't usually write software on Windows, and I have to say that once I stepped outside the D ecosystem the experience was not good. There's no standard locations for anything. Meson worked well on Linux, but I can't figure out how to get it to find vcpkg dependencies on Windows. Outside Visual D, the one thing that worked great on windows was:


I know everyone knocks the idea of downloading your dependencies off the web, but when starting from scratch you have to get them from somewhere and dub comes to the rescue,
and "add-path" is there for local packages.

Has there ever been talk of adding C source code support to dub, or is that a forbidden topic? I know if dub supported C, all my C libs and all my necessary dependencies (openssl, expat, etc.) would have dub.json files before the weekend was over.

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