On Saturday, 3 April 2021 at 10:17:14 UTC, DLearner wrote:
Does this mean D has no equivalent of C globals?
What is the D way of doing this?

With __gshared.
If the global is defined from within another language, apparently you'd have to do [extern(C) extern __gshared *name*](https://dlang.org/spec/interfaceToC.html#c-globals) It seems that the whole extern keyword can be confusing with variables:

//L is the language name
extern(L) returnType functionName(parameters); // function implemented in another language or out of this module.

extern(L) returnType functionName(parameters) {/*...*/}//extern only changes the name mangling and the calling rules in the resulting assembly code.(with D it does not change anything?)

extern(L) variableType variableName; //what you did, declares a normal variable, except that the name mangling rule is that of the language you specified.

extern(L) extern otherQualifiersIfAny variableType variableName; //appears to be a variable declared outside of the module, so at link time a .obj file will have to declare a variable with this symbol name or else the linker will error out.
It seems that case 4 is what you desired but i do not know if with this module hierarchy it can/will work with dub.(it should.) With the code as is you should be able to access both variables from main with `testmod.xvar` and simply `xvar`.(when name conflicts like this occur the most local is used by default, otherwise use the full name which should be `testmain.xvar` in this case.)

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