On 5/12/21 1:16 PM, JG wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 13:38:10 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 5/12/21 3:28 AM, JG wrote:
Reading the documentation on RefCounted I get the impression that the following can lead to memory errors. Could someone explain exactly how that could happen? I suppose that problem would be the call something to do with front?

private struct RefCountedRangeReturnType(R)
     import std.typecons : RefCounted;
     private RefCounted!R r;
     auto empty() { return r.refCountedPayload.empty; }
     auto front() { return r.refCountedPayload.front; }
     void popFront() { r.refCountedPayload.popFront; }
     auto save() { return typeof(this)(RefCounted!R(r.refCountedPayload.save)); }

auto refCountedRange(R)(R r)
     import std.typecons : RefCounted;
     return  RefCountedRangeReturnType!R(RefCounted!R(r));

You don't need to access refCountedPayload. RefCounted is supposed to be like a transparent reference type, and should forward all calls to the referenced item.

I don't see how you will get memory errors from your code. Maybe you can elaborate why you think that is?

To be honest I can't see the problem. But the following from the documentation made me wonder if I was doing something that could lead to memory problems:

"RefCounted is unsafe and should be used with care. No references to the payload should be escaped outside the RefCounted object."

In particular I wondered if in some special case holding a reference to front might cause a problem, but perhaps that is incorrect.

Ah, ok. So reference counting provides a single thing you can point at and pass around without worrying about memory cleanup. But only as long as you refer to it strictly through a RefCounted struct. If you keep a pointer to something in the payload that isn't wrapped in a RefCounted struct (and specifically the original RefCounted struct), then it's possible the RefCounted struct will free the memory while you still hold a reference.

You are returning from front by value, so there shouldn't be a problem with lifetime issues. However, there are possible exceptions, but they would be really rare.

As an example of something that would be a bad idea:

struct S
   int x;

int *bad;
   auto rc = S(1).refCounted;
   bad = &rc.x; // escape a reference to the payload
} // here, the scope closes and rc is freed

*bad = 5; // leaving a dangling pointer that can be used


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