On Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 03:03:37 UTC, Tim wrote:
Hello all,

I have this piece of code
Rotate a 2D array (Vector) by phi radians

    vec = 2D Vector to rotate
    phi = Degree with which to rotate the Vector in radians

    Rotated 2D array (Vector)


pragma(inline, true)
Point2 rotate2D(in Point2 vec, in float phi) pure nothrow {
    double x = (vec[0]*cos(phi)) - (vec[1]*sin(phi));
    double y = (vec[0]*sin(phi)) + (vec[1]*cos(phi));
    return [x, y];

    auto p = rotate2D([0.0, 10.0], PI_2);
    assert(p == [-10.0, 0.0]);

When I run the unittest, I get ```[-10, -4.37114e-07]``` back, which is obviously wrong. Any idea as to why it's not making the y-axis zero? Is it a rounding issue with the types I'm using?

Thanks in advance

You should try to use isClose to compare for floats equality : https://dlang.org/phobos/std_math.html#.isClose

Float arithmetic isn't exact, and could give unexpected results like 0.1f + 0.2f != 0.3f

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