How can I implement ranges in the retro range? I'd like to do this without allocate a new array with .array from std.array, can I do that?

use like this:

    auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    auto a = new A!int(arr);
    auto b = a.retro[0 .. 2]; // 4, 5

the class:


class A(T)
    private T[] arr;

    this(T[] a)
        arr = a;

    auto opIndex() nothrow
        return Range(arr);

    auto retro() { return RangeRetro(arr); }

    protected static struct Range
        T[] a;
        T front() { return a[0]; }
        T back() { return a[$ - 1]; }
        void popFront() { a = a[1 .. $]; }
        bool empty() { return a.length == 0; }

    protected static struct RangeRetro
        import std.range : popFront;
        import std.range : popBack;

        T[] a;
        T front() { return a[$ - 1]; }
        T back() { return a[0]; }
        void popBack() {  a.popFront(); }
        void popFront() { a.popBack(); }
        bool empty() { return a.length == 0; }

        auto opSlice(size_t start, size_t end)

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