On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 06:33:04PM +0000, Alain De Vos via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 18:27:40 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > ---------snip---------
> > import std.stdio:writeln;
> > 
> > int [] fun() @safe {                // N.B.: need @safe
> >     int[3]s=[1,2,3];
> >     int[] r=s;
> >     return r;
> > }
> > 
> > void main() @safe {         // N.B.: need @safe
> >     writeln(fun()[0]);
> > }
> > ---------snip---------
> > 
> > 
> > LDC output:
> > 
> > ---------snip---------
> > $ ldc2 -dip1000 /tmp/test.d
> > /tmp/test.d(6): Error: scope variable `r` may not be returned
> > ---------snip---------
> So I put everywhere @safe ?

Or put `@safe:` at the top of the file.

> When not ?

Sometimes when you need to perform a system operation that you know is
safe, but the compiler cannot prove is safe.  Or you need to call a
@system function (e.g. a C library).


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