On Tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 06:02:55 UTC, evilrat wrote:
Anyway all this stuff requires thorough research & testing as such ABI tinkering is very easy to mess up and very hard to debug, for example if you mess up the order(functions layout) it can land on another final method call that seemingly work but in debugger you'll see that you can't hit breakpoint in that method.
Happy debugging time!

Ahh, that works!

It also works without the `cast(BaseType)` if you use `alias` in the class:
import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
extern (C++)
  void takesADerived(Derived derived);
  Derived createTestDerivedCPP();

  extern interface Base1
    void overrideMe1();

    pragma(mangle, "?getSomething@Base1@@QEAA?BHXZ")
    final int getSomething();

    pragma(mangle, "?inheritedFunctionWithArgs@Base1@@QEAAHHH@Z")
    final int inheritedFunctionWithArgs(int x, int y);

  extern interface Base2
    void overrideMe2();

    pragma(mangle "?getOtherThing@Base2@@QEAA?BHXZ")
    final int getOtherThing();

  extern class Derived : Base1, Base2
    int someInt;

    alias getSomething = Base1.getSomething;
alias inheritedFunctionWithArgs = Base1.inheritedFunctionWithArgs;

    this(int someIntVal) { this.someInt = someIntVal; }

void overrideMe1() { printf("[D] Dlang Derived overrideMe1 called \n"); } void overrideMe2() { printf("[D] Dlang Derived overrideMe1 called \n"); }

void main()
  Derived dlangDerived = new Derived(123);
printf("[D] Derived.Base1::getSomething() = %d \n", dlangDerived.getSomething()); printf("[D] Derived.Base2::getOtherThing() = %d \n", dlangDerived.getOtherThing()); printf("[D] Derived.Base1::inheritedFunctionWithArgs(5, 10) = %d \n",
      dlangDerived.inheritedFunctionWithArgs(5, 10));
  printf("[D] Calling C++ takesADerived() with D Derived* \n");


Just you wait, I'll learn enough to be of any use contributing to OMG yet! haha

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