
There's issue in importing functions I came across some time ago that I wonder if it is a purposeful design or if it is something that will be changed in the future.

Say I have module like this:

module funs;

double myfun(double x)
  return x*x;

and I call `myfun` in a function in another module:

module call;

import funs;

double myfun(double y, double x)
   return myfun(x)/y;

void main()
  import std.stdio: writeln;
  writeln("Demo myfun(2, 3): ", myfun(2, 3));


If I attempt to compile this I shall get the error:

$ dmd call.d funs.d
call.d(8): Error: function call.myfun(double y, double x) is not callable using argument types (double)
call.d(8):        missing argument for parameter #2: double x

Even though the function signatures are different I have to call `myfun` with `funs.myfun(...)` in the `call.d` module. I understand sometimes it's is good practice to do this, but shouldn't I expect the D compiler to be "clever enough" to ignore correct use but detect when function signatures clash and throwing an error with an appropriate message when they do, rather than a cryptic message telling me that the function signature is wrong?

In the current situation, you can import `funs.d` and call `myfun` with no issue until you decide to overload it in that module, when you suddenly get errors. If you are not aware of this issue and you are writing a large and highly detailed module, it's an error that seems to come out of nowhere, the module has suddenly lost visibility of the imported function.

I guess an alternative is to use `mixin(import("funs.d"));` but you then lose the functionality of the formal `import` statement.

Thank you

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