Consider the following code in what I used nested-classes for the first time within D:

import std.string;
import std.stdio;

class classComputers {

   classComputers lhs;
   classComputers rhs;

int opApply(int delegate(classComputer) dg) { /// boilerplate code to handle the class's default collection

      int lintResult = 0; /// must find a better name

foreach (lobjComputer; computers) { /// looping over the computers starting in current node

lintResult = dg(lobjComputer); /// passing single object to the loop body

                        if (lintResult != 0) { break; }


if (lintResult != 0 && lhs ! is null) { lintResult = lhs.opApply(dg); } /// recursing child nodes if (lintResult != 0 && rhs ! is null) { lintResult = rhs.opApply(dg); } /// recursing child nodes

      return lintResult;


public classComputer[] computers; alias computers this; /// ie: default property

   private string pstrNetwork;

   final @property string network() { return this.pstrNetwork; }
final @property void network(in string lstrNetwork) { this.pstrNetwork = lstrNetwork.strip(); }

      string lstrNetwork
      ) { = lstrNetwork;


   class classComputer {

      private string pstrName;

      final @property string name() { return this.pstrName; }
final @property void name(in string lstrName) { this.pstrName = lstrName.strip(); }

         string lstrName
         ) {
 = lstrName;




void main (

   ) {

classComputers lobjComputers = new classComputers(r"lab"c); /// ie: the lab network

   lobjComputers ~= classComputer(r"dell"c);
   lobjComputers ~= classComputer(r"ibm"c);
   lobjComputers ~= classComputer(r"apple"c);
   lobjComputers[1].name = r"lenovo"c;

foreach(lobjComputer; lobjComputers) { writeln(r"["c ~ ~ r" network has "c ~ ~ r"]"c); }


As expected, the above code produces:

[lab network has dell]
[lab network has lenovo]
[lab network has apple]

Now think of wider hierarchical structures, let's say 6~9 to begin with or greater; eg: and so on.

Coding such scenario with nested classes will produce a huge code base within the same module. My first approach, obviously, was to put each class in its own module and in main() I instantiate the primary one and the child objects/classes are instantiated either directly in main or say, by each class' own add()/remove() methods. This works as expected. However, I can't manage to traverse the tree from main() like something.parent.somethingelse (like I can do with outer for the nested classes example I gave you) nor I am able to access parent members within the classes own bodies.

Are there alternatives to nested classes for such scenarios ?

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