On Tuesday, 8 June 2021 at 17:10:47 UTC, seany wrote:

How can I increase the speed of executable files created via :

`dub build -b release`

try `dub build -b release --compiler=ldc2`

Then you can set some specific DFlags for ldc, like -O3 or --mcpu

I am unable to parallellise all of it, as it depends on part of the result being calculated before something else can be calculated.

I have many `nonsafe, nonpure` functions.

`nothrow` presumably opens optimisation opportunities with the stack management, although it's not verified

Classes are virtual  by defalut.

set them final when possible. When not possible set the virtual methods that
are not overridden `final`.

Profiling doesn't help, because different input is causing different parts of the program to become slow.

if you're on linux, you can try callgrind + kcachegrind instead of builtin intrumentation.

Thank you.

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