On Sunday, 13 June 2021 at 16:27:18 UTC, vit wrote:
Why I can take address of Foo variable but not Bar?


struct Foo{
    private double d;

struct Bar{
    private void* ptr;

void main()@safe{
    ///this is OK:
        scope Foo x;
        scope ptr = &x;

///Error: cannot take address of `scope` local `x` in `@safe` function `main`:
        scope Bar x;
        scope ptr = &x;

`scope` affects indirections (i.e. pointers). `Foo` doesn't contain any indirections, so `scope` doesn't mean anything for it. The compiler just ignores it. It's like you wrote `Foo x;` without `scope`.

`Bar` does contain an indirection, so `scope` actually matters and you get the error.

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