On Thursday, 15 July 2021 at 11:02:17 UTC, wjoe wrote:
On Thursday, 15 July 2021 at 04:07:49 UTC, Tejas wrote:
Your code
auto x = i[1]++;
Expands to:
auto x = (auto e = i[1]/*notice opIndex*/, ++i[1]/* notice opIndexUnary*/, return e;);

This doesn't happen with pre increment. No compiler shenanigans.

Interesting to see it spelt out like this (your remarks are very enlightening) so I just went one step further and rewrote this line like so:
i[1] = 3;
auto x = (){auto e = i[1]; ++i[1]; return e;}();
assert (i[1] == 4 && x == 3);
This just works. But I don't think this is what happens. What I think happens is that the compiler rewrites ```i[1]++`` to something like this:
plus all the other shenanigans.

Oh yes, that is what happens. I was trying to be a little concise.
You are correct, this is what the code will look in the gory details (I believe) :
auto x = (auto e = i.opIndex(1), i.opIndexUnary("++")(1)/*this may or may not expand to what you wrote, not sure what the compiler does, although what you say does sound like the obvious thing to do*/, return e);
I did indeed override opIndex() but since i need to apply a bit mask and do some shifting I can't return anything by ref.

As I mentioned, maybe the bit manipulation library could help(although they don't seem to be overloading the operators in the first place, thus sidestepping the problem you encountered).

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