On Thursday, 5 August 2021 at 17:12:13 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

I'd say if the performance hit isn't noticeably bad right now, don't worry too much about it. You can always replace it later. One thing I really like about D is how easily refactorable D code tends to be. If you structure your code in a way that keeps separate concerns apart (and D features like metaprogramming really help with this), replacing your implementation choice with something else

Granted, I'll be taking your advice :)

often turns out to be surprisingly simple.

Although I have very little experience with D, I second this: refactoring, even huge refactors, proved to be far more straightforward than I expected.

But if you expect to process very large data files at compile-time

Not at all, very tiny files, what you saw on my examples, 10 times that at the very very far end; but more probably no more than 10/15 exchanges meaning an AA length 15, period.

I'd say consider generating the classes via a utility D program that emits D code as a separate step. In one of my projects I have a whole bunch of 3D model files that I need to convert into a format more suitable for use at runtime. I eventually opted to do this as a separate step from the main compilation: a helper utility to parse the files, massage the data, then spit out a .d file with the right definitions (including embedded array literals for binary data), then compile that into the main program. Since the data rarely changes, it's a waste of time to keep regenerating it every time I recompile; keeping it as a separate step means I only need to rerun the helper utility when the data actually changes as opposed to every single time I change 1 line of code.

I am very used to this mainly on SQL-Server with TransactSQL (horrible "language" to say the least): lots of functionallity automatically-generated from XML/XSD file definitions to transactSQL via XSLT transformations, all within SQL-Sever itself (the NET framework has superb handling of everything XML/XSD/XSLT related) ... think of it like code-on-demand or code-on-the-fly. In the end this approach gives me lots of flexibility and allows me to do things almost-unthinkable in transactSQL; key here is the ability to SQL-Server to easily invoke external code, and this is what makes me wonder what a super-combo D as a first-tier language on postgreSQL could achieve ... drooling here :)

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