Suppose "foo_double" should return a complex double slice, with double input args. Similarly "foo_float" should return a float slice, with float input args.

I thought it should be easy to parameterize with a template taking a SINGLE
argument, either a"double" or "float" as follows:

import std.stdio;
import std.complex;

Complex!double[] foo_double(double x, double y){
  auto r = [x, x];
  auto i = [y, y];
  auto z = [ Complex!double(x, y), Complex!double(x,y) ];
  return z;

Complex!float[] foo_float(float x, float y){
  auto r = [x, x];
  auto i = [y, y];
  auto z = [ Complex!float(x, y), Complex!float(x,y) ];
  return z;

**T[] foo_temp(Complex!T[])(T x, T y){
  auto r = [x, x];
  auto i = [y, y];
  auto z = [ Complex!T(x, y), Complex!T(x,y) ];
  return z;

void main(){
  auto yd = foo_double(1.1, 2.2);
  writeln(yd); ...

But, no ... I am WRONG!  I get the message:

qqq.d(18): Error: identifier expected for template value parameter

Nested templates using Complex! really have me confused. How should I
be thinking about such things in order to understand better?

Best Regards,

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