On Friday, 13 August 2021 at 21:10:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Well, subtracting the length doesn't do much, you aren't actually accessing the array block, you are just changing the reference (which lives in thread-local storage). I kind of feel like the whole entity table thing is not correct anyway. Did you (Mike) also comment out the `did` call? Because that looks more suspicious to me. What it is doing is going through all the entities from the removed one on and setting their id to 1 less. HOWEVER, it's not actually *moving* the entities down in the array.

I suspected the `did` function first, but the issue persisted when I commented out the call in the destructor. I didn't know what to think when I found that commenting out the `.length` deprecation eliminated it.

I suspect there is a memory access violation or some other issue that's causing it to crash rather than exit normally.

It's not crashing. It's hanging.

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