17.08.2021 15:21, Ferhat Kurtulmuş пишет:
Hello folks,

Hope everyone is doing fine. Considering the following code, in the first condition, I am extracting the type Point from the slice Point[]. I searched in the std.traits, and could not find a neater solution something like ElementTypeOf!T. Is there any neater solution for it? Thanks in advance.

     static if (isArray!VecPoint){
         VecPoint dummy;
         alias Point = typeof(dummy[0]);
     } else static if (isRandomAccessRange!VecPoint){
         alias ASeq2 = TemplateArgsOf!VecPoint;
         alias Point = ASeq2[0];
     } else
        static assert(0, typeof(VecPoint).stringof ~ " type is not supported");



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