On Friday, 20 August 2021 at 02:30:53 UTC, Pablo De Nápoli wrote:
Any idea of which could be the cause of trouble or on how to get more specific diagnosis?

With no extra arguments I get a "compile time context created here" addendum. Does that not show up for you or does the line not make sense still?

It might also be new. This is with v2.097.1

example.d(6): Error: `atoi` cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source code
example.d(12):        compile time context created here
example.d(13): Error: no property `val` for type `void`

From this code:

extern (C) int atoi(const(char)* nptr);

class N {
    int val;
    this() {
        val = atoi("2");

void main() {
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    enum n = new N(); // line 12

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