On 8/25/21 6:06 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 August 2021 at 09:15:23 UTC, bauss wrote:
A range should be a struct always and thus its state is copied when the foreach loop is created.

That's quite a strong assumption, because its state might be a reference type, or it might not _have_ state in a meaningful sense -- consider an input range that wraps reading from a socket, or that just reads from `/dev/urandom`, for two examples.

Deterministic copying per foreach loop is only guaranteed for forward ranges.

structs still provide a mechanism (postblit/copy ctor) to properly save a forward range when copying, even if the guts need copying (unlike classes). In general, I think it was a mistake to use `.save` as the mechanism, as generally `.save` is equivalent to copying, so nobody does it, and code works fine for most ranges.

What should have happened is that input-only ranges should not have been copyable, and copying should have been the save mechanism. Then it becomes way way more obvious what is happening. Yes, this means forgoing classes as ranges.


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