On Sunday, 29 August 2021 at 15:57:18 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Sunday, 29 August 2021 at 15:42:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Depending on the situation, you may want to use std.conv.to, which does a value range check and throws an exception to prevent an error:

    byte foo(byte a, byte b) {
      import std.conv : to;
      return (a + b).to!byte;

    void main() {
      foo(42, 42);    // Works
      foo(100, 100);  // Throws ConvOverflowException

I was going to suggest `std.experimental.checkedint` as an alternative here, but it turns out that it does integer promotion too--`Checked!byte + Checked!byte == Checked!int`.

This seems obviously wrong to me, but according to run.dlang.io it's always worked that way.

(a.checked + b).get is int, but this works:

import std.experimental.checkedint;

byte foo(byte a, byte b) {
    auto c = a.checked;
    c += b;
    return c.get;

unittest {
    import std.exception : assertThrown;
    import core.exception : AssertError;

    foo(42, 42);
    assertThrown!AssertError(foo(100, 100));

... after Phobos is patched.

error: undefined identifier ‘Lhs’, did you mean alias ‘Rhs’?

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