On Thursday, 9 September 2021 at 17:17:23 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
Maybe I missed something obvious in the docs but how can I just parse the XML and print its content?

import dxml.parser;

auto xml = parseXML!simpleXML(layout);
xml.map!(e => e.text).join.writeln;

throws `core.exception.AssertError@../../../.dub/packages/dxml-0.4.3/dxml/source/dxml/parser.d(1457): text cannot be called with elementStart`.

dxml.parser is a streaming XML parser. The documentation at http://jmdavisprog.com/docs/dxml/0.4.0/dxml_parser.html has a link to more information about this at the top, behind 'StAX'. Thus, when you're mapping over `xml`, you're not getting `<a>some text</a>` at a time, but `<a>`, `some text`, and `</a>` separately, as they're parsed. The `<a>` there is an `elementStart` which lacks a `text`, hence the error.

Here's a script:

#! /usr/bin/env dub
/++ dub.sdl:
    dependency "dxml" version="0.4.0"
    stringImportPaths "."
import dxml.parser;
import std;

enum text = import(__FILE__)

void main() {
    foreach (entity; parseXML!simpleXML(text)) {
        if (entity.type == EntityType.text)
<!-- comment -->
    <foo>some text<whatever/></foo>
    more text

that runs with this output:

some text
more text

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