On 16.09.21 22:53, jfondren wrote:
string joinstruct(A, B)(string name) {
     string s = "struct " ~ name ~ " {";
     alias memA = __traits(allMembers, A);
     alias memB = __traits(allMembers, B);
     alias initA = A.init.tupleof;
     alias initB = B.init.tupleof;
     static foreach (i; 0 .. memA.length) {
         s ~= typeof(__traits(getMember, A, memA[i])).stringof;
         s ~= " ";
         s ~= memA[i];
         s ~= " = ";
         s ~= initA[i].stringof;
         s ~= ";\n";
     static foreach (i; 0 .. memB.length) {
         s ~= typeof(__traits(getMember, B, memB[i])).stringof;
         s ~= " ";
         s ~= memB[i];
         s ~= " = ";
         s ~= initB[i].stringof;
         s ~= ";\n";
     s ~= "}";
     return s;

As a rule of thumb, don't use `stringof` for string mixins. There's usually a better way.

In this case, if you make `joinstruct` a struct template, you can use the types and init values of the fields directly, without converting them to strings and back. Only the names need to be mixed in as strings.

struct JoinStruct(Structs ...)
    static foreach (S; Structs)
        static foreach (i, alias f; S.tupleof)
            mixin("typeof(f) ", __traits(identifier, f),
                " = S.init.tupleof[i];");

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