On 9/18/21 12:52 PM, frame wrote:
On Saturday, 18 September 2021 at 11:47:52 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Have you tried:

const(char)* s2 = "...";

This will work because string literals are zero terminated and implicitly castable to `immutable(char)*`, which will also implicitly cast to `const(char)*`.

That should allow s2 to be reassigned but not modify the data. IIRC, string literal data even in C is put into a read-only section by many compilers, so the code shouldn't be changing it.

The first rule of porting -- just translate, don't change anything. I would try to do exactly what C does without using the GC at all. Continue to use malloc/free. If you have issues with type representation, you may need to adjust for that.

This is what I try to achieve - not to change much.
But I see there is a mistake by me, s2 __is__ const in the original C-code too.

Unfortunately, with `const(char)*`, `strchr()` did complain and then I would have to cast it to `char*` - so I didn't used it in first place because I really thought `.dup` wouldn't allocate here.

`dup` definitely allocates. But when I look at the [dlang docs for strchr](https://dlang.org/phobos/core_stdc_string.html#.strchr), it properly adds the `inout` type modifier which should correct that problem. Are you defining the prototype for `strchr` yourself instead of importing it from `core.stdc.string`?

There were also parts where the pointer is used in calculations - which is accepted by the compiler - it just complains about implicitly `long` to `char*` cast:
// const char *e
// char *w
out[p++] = ((w - e) + 3) % 40;

Why doesn't the compiler complain about
`char* - const(char)*`?
`long` doesn't implicitly cast to `char *`. But of course, subtracting two pointers works for the same base type.

Note that `long` in C is *not the same* as `long` in D.

You should take a look at https://dlang.org/spec/interfaceToC.html#data_type_compat


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