rawRead and rawWrite work with slices (arrays) of things. You need to use an array of your struct even if there is a single item. Here is an example:

import std.stdio;
import std.file;

struct S {
  int i;
  double d;

void readFrom(string name) {
  // We need an array Ses (length of 1 in this case)
  auto ses = new S[1];

  File(name, "r").rawRead(ses);

  // Here is the first item of those ses:
  writefln!"Just read: %s"(ses[0]);

void writeTo(string name) {
  // Note the array of S passed to rawWrite
  File(name, "w").rawWrite([S(42, 1.5)]);

void main() {
  enum name = "rawWrite_struct_test";

  if (name.exists) {


The program will create a file when you run it the first time and then it will also read from the that file on subsequent runs.


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