On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 18:39:10 UTC, rempas wrote:
Cause I can't find an option in the latest DMD release and because the ImportC [page](https://dlang.org/spec/importc.html#importing) seems to be incomplete (even saying it's under construct), I'm wondering if ImportC exists even as prototype but it's hidden or if it's not available at all. Anyone knows?

There's no option, you just use a normal import statement when the module is named .c instead of .d

I say 'just' but typical C uses the C preprocessor and can't be imported as-is.

Here's an example in three files:

// fstat.d
void main() {
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    import sys_stat : stat_t, fstat;

    stat_t buf;
    writeln(fstat(0, &buf));

// sys_stat_wrapper.c
#define __restrict restrict
#include <sys/stat.h>
typedef struct stat stat_t;

# Makefile
fstat: fstat.d sys_stat.c
        dmd $<

sys_stat.c: sys_stat_wrapper.c
        gcc -E -P $< > $@

this is importing sys_stat.c , making space on the stack for a stat_t (what's that?), calling fstat on fd 0, and then writing the output, which might look like

stat(27, 11, 1, 8592, 1000, 5, 0, 34824, 0, 1024, 0, timespec(1634329152, 581807916), timespec(1634329152, 581807916), timespec(1634272061, 581807916), [0, 0, 0])

the d programmer did not have to carefully `extern (C)` an fstat function, nor define a struct, nor care about issues like an evil platform padding its struct with some bytes and overwriting the stack unless the d programmer accounts for that. This is all nice. But you still had to write those three lines of C, to smuggle `struct stat` into d and to suppress non-standard `__restrict`. And you still need to invoke the C preprocessor as a build step.

The next inconvenient thing is: what about when you want a c `#define` in d? Say, fstat's potential errors. You have to smuggle those as well, and because the C preprocessor fights you, you have to not just stuff those people in a box but also prepare new names for them. (And if platforms vary in errors? More build system work.)

// sys_stat_wrapper.c, continued
#include <errno.h>
enum errors {
    ebadf = EBADF,
    eio = EIO,
    eoverflow = EOVERFLOW,

// fstat.d, continued
    import sys_stat : errors, ebadf;

Of course you can rename when importing as usual, or have a separate .d module that cleans this interface up where the C preprocessor can't interfere.

For function-like `#defines`, perhaps you'll want to write a C function that uses it.

In conclusion, ImportC exists and you can use it, and complications like smuggling structs are discussed in that page. If you're going to wrap a new C library especially, it can take on 99% the tedium for you. If you're going to burn down an importc-by-hand work that you have already and replace it with ImportC, it might be better to wait for dub and gdc to catch up. As annoying as it might be to have C constants in your code, they do compile with fewer build steps.

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