For debugging purposes, I have built a mixin that will, when declared inside a function, output code to the console that will reproduce the exact function call.

So, as an example, for the following function

int reproducible_function(int a, int b){
  return a + b;

called in the following way:

reproducible_function(5, 9);

the mixin OUTPUT_REPRO_CASE will output the exact same call. I can then take that code, paste it into the tests and tadaaaa - I have a repro case.

The only problem I have with this is that you still need to give the function as a template argument to OUTPUT_REPRO_CASE. In other cases, I have gotten around this by giving __FUNCTION__ as the default argument to that template parameter, but that doesn't work here because the mixin expands to something that calls ParameterIdentifierTuple. ParameterIdentifierTuple does not take a string as an argument, but needs the actual symbol (or an alias) to be passed.

So what I am looking for then is the equivalent to __FUNCTION__ that evaluates to the actual symbol of the function instead of its name, so it can be used as a parameter to ParameterIdentifierTuple. With this, I could then change the call to just be:

int reproducible_function(int a, int b){
   return a + b;

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