On Sunday, 12 December 2021 at 19:17:53 UTC, vit wrote:
On Sunday, 12 December 2021 at 18:32:28 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
On Sunday, 12 December 2021 at 11:57:43 UTC, vit wrote:
Hello, why does this code fail to compile?

struct Foo(T){
    this(Rhs, this This)(scope Rhs rhs){

    this(ref scope typeof(this) rhs){

struct Bar{
        Foo!int foo;

void main(){

error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

What are you trying to accomplish?

Something like this:

import std.traits : CopyConstness;

struct UniquePtr(T){
    alias Type = T;

    this(Rhs, this This)(scope Rhs rhs)
if(is(CopyConstness!(Rhs, Rhs.Type*) : CopyConstness!(This, This.Type*))){

    //one of copy ctors:
    this(ref scope typeof(this) rhs){

    static UniquePtr make(Args...)(Args args){
        return UniquePtr.init;

void main(){
    const UniquePtr!(int) cui = UniquePtr!(const int).make(1);
const UniquePtr!(const int) cuci = UniquePtr!(const int).make(1);
    UniquePtr!(const int) uci = UniquePtr!(int).make(1);
    UniquePtr!(int) ui = UniquePtr!(int).make(1);

const UniquePtr!(int) xcui = UniquePtr!(immutable int).make(1); const UniquePtr!(const int) xcuci = UniquePtr!(immutable int).make(1);


This work but UniquePtr canno't be inside struct because Segmentation fault.

This made your previous snippet work:

struct Foo(T){
    this(Rhs, this This)(scope Rhs rhs){

    this(scope Foo!(T)* rhs){

struct Bar{
        Foo!int foo;

void main(){
        import std.stdio:writeln;
        Bar bar = Bar();
        auto BAR = new Bar();
        writeln(bar, "\t", BAR, "\t", *BAR);

Definitely something funky going on behind the scenes.
I also think you should post a bug, like the above user said.

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