On Wednesday, 22 December 2021 at 10:37:51 UTC, Michel wrote:
Hey, I've tried coding in Visual Studio Code but there isn't any function checking/showing what arguments a function accepts, I can just write `Foo.Bar("somerandomarg");` and it will not give me errors or warnings.

Which IDE do you guys use to get proper intellisense?


VS Code(code-d plugin) and VisualD(Visual Studio only) are the best available for D and does show you errors like that if set up and cofigured correctly, but really nowhere near compared to pro tools for C#/Java, additionally most D language plugin/IDE relies on "dcd" or "libdparse", which becoming less and less useful as D evolves. (I don't blame them, but unfortunately their time has passed)

Finally there is no tool that can handle complex UFCS chains or templates(like filter, map, etc..).

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