On Saturday, 15 January 2022 at 23:15:16 UTC, JN wrote:

Is there some way I could improve this with some D features? My main gripes with it are:

Managed to dramatically simplify it to 10 lines of code with variadic templates.

import std.stdio;

struct Event(T...)
    void function(T)[] listeners;

    void addListener(void function(T) handler)
        listeners ~= handler;

    void emit(T args)
        foreach (listener; listeners)

void onResize(uint newWidth, uint newHeight)
    writefln("Resized: %d %d", newWidth, newHeight);

void main()
    Event!(uint, uint) windowResizeEvent;

    windowResizeEvent.emit(1000, 2000);

I am very happy with this solution.

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