On Wednesday, 19 January 2022 at 22:35:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

so I combined ideas from all responses:

// --
module test;

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.range : iota, isForwardRange, hasSlicing, hasLength, isInfinite, array;
import std.random : Random, unpredictableSeed, dice;
import std.algorithm : map;


Random rnd;

static this()
  rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);

void main()
    uint[][] mArrBool;

// e.g: create a matrix consisting of 5 tuples, with each tuple containing 3 random bools (0 or 1)
    createBoolMatrix(mArrBool,5, 2);


void createBoolMatrix(ref uint[][] m, size_t numberOfTuples, size_t numberOfBoolsInTuple)
    m = iota(numberOfTuples)
            .map!(i => iota(numberOfBoolsInTuple)
.map!(numberOfBoolsInTuple => cast(uint) rnd.dice(0.6, 1.4))

void process(T)(const ref T t) if (isForwardRange!T && hasSlicing!T && hasLength!T && !isInfinite!T)


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