On Friday, 25 February 2022 at 05:25:14 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 2/24/22 20:44, Andrey Zherikov wrote:

How can I check that `opAssign` is generated by compiler and doesn't exist in the original code?

I think this one:



This take a struct as an argument, not a member, so I need to do `if(sym == "opAssign")`. I gave this another thought and checking the symbol against `"opAssign"` would be good enough for my use case.

Another interesting observation - is there any explanation why `typeof` returns different results for generated `opAssign`?
import std.sumtype: SumType;

struct A
    SumType!int b;

static foreach(sym; __traits(allMembers, A))
    // ref A(A p) return,opAssign
typeof(__traits(getMember, A, sym)).stringof,",",sym);

    // true,pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe A(A p) return,opAssign

is(typeof(__traits(getMember, A, sym)) == function),",", typeof(__traits(getMember, A, sym)).stringof,",",sym);

        // pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe A(A p) return,opAssign
typeof(__traits(getMember, A, sym)).stringof,",",sym);

If I move `foreach` loop into a function (e.g. `main`) then the first pragma prints the same as the others.

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