I've randomly encountered a strange error, and I cannot find any explanation for it in the official documentation of syntax.

Essentially, a class cannot call function overload in a super-class if the class itself contains an override. Is this a bug? Is this on purpose? Take a look at `B.otherThing()` below.

``` d
void main()
  abstract class A {
    // An abstract method for sub-classes
    abstract void doThing(string a, size_t b);
    // A convenience helper.
    void doThing(string a) {
      doThing(a, a.length);
  class B : A {
    // If this overload exists, something strange happens...
    void doThing(string a, size_t b) {
    void otherThing() {
      // Error: `B.doThing(string a, ulong b)`
      // is not callable using argument
      // types `(string)`

      super.doThing("hello");  // OK

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