On 4/24/22 17:26, Salih Dincer wrote:

> first destroy() then free()...

Makes sense only if we allocated the memory.

> import object: doDestroy = destroy;

I like adding 'do' to verbs that can be confused with nouns. For example, because 'copy' is both a noun and a verb, I think it helps when we name a function as 'doCopy'. However, because 'destroy' is already a verb, I would leave it alone. :)

>    MEM.free(i.ptr);
>    // You don't need to addrOf(cast(void*)i)

Good point about i.ptr but that free() does not or should not do anything because it is "memory not originally allocated by this garbage collector":


Well... maybe it was allocated by that garbage collector and may be it points to the beginning of an allocated block but we don't know that. I wouldn't call free() on an array's memory.


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