On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 09:38:05 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
This program works ok, (but List is no Range)

It is also possible with the copy constructor of a struct. I don't know how to do with class...

    struct Node {
        int element;
        Node * next;
    struct List
        Node * root, walker;
        this(int[] AR)
                        foreach(i; AR)
        bool empty() const
                        return !walker;
        void popFront()
                        walker = walker.next;
        float front() const
                        return walker.element;
        void pushfront(int element)
                Node * newnode = new Node();
                newnode.element = element;
                newnode.next = root;
                root = newnode;
        // shallow copy
                this(ref return scope List that)
                this.walker = that.root;

import std.stdio;

void main()
        List list = List([3,2,1]);
        //Node backupnode=l.node;
        foreach(l; list)
        //l.node=backupnode;//Restore state destroyed by writeln
        foreach(l; list)

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