On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 18:46:03 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 18:36:40 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
In the code below, there is a two parameter function `foo` and an override of it with only one parameter. In the override case, I force the second one to be 1, but ideally there should be a way to specify it at compile-time.

Have you tried [`std.functional.partial`][1]? Using it, your example could be written like this:

import std.functional: partial;

enum int a = 1;
alias foo2 = partial!(foo, a);


Thanks. This is basically equivalent to

int foo(int a)(int x) { return x + a; }
alias foo2 = foo!a;

The downside is that you wouldn't be able to `alias foo = foo!a`. Another approach would be to do something like

int foo(int b = a)(int x) { return x + b; }

so that the default case could be handled.

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