Hi Forum,

I have a snippet of code as follows:
extern(C) extern __gshared uint g_count;

// inside a class member function:
  while(g_count) <= count) {}

This is from a first draft of the code without proper thread synchronisation. The global variable g_count is updated from a bit of C++ code. As soon as I turn the optimiser on, the code never gets passed this point, leading me to suspect it gets turned into
  while(true) {}

If modify the code in the following way:

  import core.volatile : volatileLoad;

  while(volatileLoad(&g_count) <= count) {}

it works again.

My question is, have I hit a compiler bug (ldc 1.28.1, aarch64 [Raspberry Pi]) or is this part of the language design. I would have thought since D use thread-local storage by default, that for a __gshared variable it would be understood that it can get modified by another thread. Access through atomic function would prevent the compiler from optimising this away as well, but if I were to use a Mutex inside the loop, there is no way for the compiler to tell *what* that Mutex is protecting and it might still decide to optimise the test away (assuming that is what is happening, did not attempt to look at the assembler code).


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