On 13/05/2022 5:18 PM, MichaelBi wrote:
     i have code here:
         auto uri = environment.get("MONGODB_URI");
         MongoClient conn = connectMongoDB(uri);
         MongoDatabase eqpdb = conn.getDatabase("MbEqpHeroku");

the "MONGODB_URI" showed above already put into heroku's app config as the 'key' and there is a paired 'value'. so the uri is to extract the value which is to use for app to establish mongodb connection.

and above code with error msg here: Error: `getenv` cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source code

That part of the code is probably fine.

Basically you have to be careful that:

auto uri = environment.get("MONGODB_URI");

Isn't being executed during compilation.

Stuff that typically cause this is anything that initializes a variable.


shared Foo foo = Foo(...);

Class fields:

class Foo {
        Bar bar = Bar(...);

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