On Friday, 13 May 2022 at 07:05:36 UTC, vit wrote:
On Friday, 13 May 2022 at 06:43:39 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
I have an intrinsicGraph(T) class that is given a pointer to a T dataSource and automatically polls that variable every frame to add it to the graph, whether it's a float, double, integer, and maybe bool.


I dont understand first qestion but second question has a solution:

intrinsic_graph!T make_graph(T, Args...)(auto ref T val, auto ref Args args){
        return new intrinsic_graph!T(val, args);

instrinsicGraph!float testGraph;
instrinsicGraph!ulong testGraph2;
// later
testGraph = make_graph(units[0].x, 100, 300, COLOR(1,0,0,1));
testGraph2 = make_graph(g.stats.fps, 100, 500, COLOR(1,0,0,1));


Okay, to clarify just in case I'm very confusing because I'm up late.

If I wanted a "multipleGraph". A graph that takes multiple values and plots them on the same graph. I need to store a buffer for each dataSource. Luckily, because I'm painting them to the screen, the buffers only really need to be float even if they started as a boolean, int, or double. However, if I'm keeping a list of pointers to things I want to snoop when I call onTick(), I can't think of a way to support multiple types:

class intrinsicGraph(T)
   T* dataSource;
   float[] buffer;

   void onTick()
     //grab datasource data and do something.
     buffer ~= to!float(*datasource);

auto g = intrinsicGraph!float(&myFloat);

But what if there's multiple types?

class multiGraph(???)
   ???[] dataSources;
   float[] buffers;

   void onTick()
     //grab datasource data and do something.
     foreach(d, i; dataSources)
        buffers[i] ~= to!float(*d); //or whatever

auto g = multiGraph!???(&myFloat, &myDouble, &myInteger);


This is a kinda "dynamic language" feature but it feels like this information is theoretically, knowable at static, compile-time. I know what the variable types will be at compile-time, but I don't know how to put them all in one class and reference them automatically.

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