On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 15:27:32 UTC, SvGaming wrote:
It works if that code is the main function. But in the full program that is only one of the functions and is not the main function.

Until you post your full programm ideally in a reduced form [1] everybody who is willing to help must guess wildly what the unposted parts of your program does and how it may cause the read to be seemingly skipped.

import std.stdio;
import std.process;

void foo ()
   writeln("Here is a list of your mounted drives: ");
   auto mounts = executeShell("cat /proc/mounts | grep media");
   writef("Type the path to your USB drive: ");
   string cont = readln;
   writeln(cont); // there was no variable named "a"
writeln("A file selection menu will now appear so you can select an ISO to write.");
//   auto seliso = executeShell("zenity --file-selection");
//   writeln(seliso.output);

int main ()
   return 0;

Also works as expected.

What does `strace` report? And what compiler/version do you use?

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example

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