On Tuesday, 17 May 2022 at 00:10:55 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
Let's say a shape is ,a circle with a radius ,or a square with a rectangular size. I want to pass shapes to functions, eg to draw them on the screen,
draw(myshape) or myshape.draw();
But how do i implement best shapes ?

You could also do something like:
import std;

struct Circle {
    double radius;
    void draw() {
        writeln(format!"Draw a circle of radius %s"(radius));

struct Rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;
     void draw() {
writeln(format!"Draw a rectangle of width %s and height %s."(width,height));

alias Shape = SumType!(Circle,Rectangle);

void main() {
  Shape[] shapes = [Shape(Rectangle(2.0,3.)),Shape(Circle(3.0))];

  foreach(shape; shapes) { shape.match!(x=>x.draw); }


import std;

struct Circle {
    double radius;

struct Rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;

alias Shape = SumType!(Circle,Rectangle);

struct Drawer {
    int drawerState;
    void drawShape(Shape shape) {
    void drawShape(Circle circle) {
writeln(format!"Draw a circle of radius %s"(circle.radius));
    void drawShape(Rectangle rectangle) {
writeln(format!"Draw a rectangle of width %s and height %s."(rectangle.width,rectangle.height));

void main() {
  Shape[] shapes = [Shape(Rectangle(2.0,3.)),Shape(Circle(3.0))];
  Drawer d;
  foreach(shape; shapes) { d.drawShape(shape); }

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