On 5/18/22 11:35, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> Structs that get put into classes have to run their destructors
> properly, otherwise, you will have horrible inconsistencies.

Does that suggest a different guideline: "Careful with structs in classes." That goes against orthogonality (independence). I should not care where a struct type is used. Or, the way to use it properly should be handled by the struct. (Continuing below.)

> You can use the GC.inFinalizer to check if you are concerned about using
> the GC in your struct dtors.

Is that the guideline for most usability then? struct destructors must check for GC.inFinalizer because they may be used in a class. This doesn't sound useful either.

Perhaps my struct example should have allocated the "farewell" string before the destructor. And then this renders struct destructors almost like class destructors: Don't allocate in the destructor.

Something is fishy here. :)


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