On 5/20/22 07:59, Alexander Zhirov wrote:
> I have a loop spinning, I want to pause in it in order to repeat the
> next iteration. An error is displayed during compilation.
> ```d

>      while (true)
>      {

We are in an unconditional loop which is also infinite.

>      }

But you have code after the loop:

>      file.close();
>      return 0;
> }
> ```

> source/app.d(32,5): Warning: statement is not reachable

That is warning you that your code cannot be executed. One option:

1) Change main's return type to 'void' and remove 'return 0'. (The program will automatically return 0 to its starter upon successful completion and non-zero upon an uncaught exception.)

2) Remove file.close(), which is not needed because File is an RAII type; its objects close their handles in their destructors automatically.

However, since your code never gets to that point, you may have unflushed data when you terminate the program. I think it depends on your file system whether '\n' which is implied at ends of writeln is a flush trigger.

3) Regardless, I would add file.flush() after the last writeln in the loop.

> Is there any way to pause to slow down the cycle?

That is correct. There is a more pleasant syntax that takes advantage of D's UFCS:



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