On 03/24/2011 08:53 AM, Alexey Prokhin wrote:
Currently, as far as I know, there are only two lexers and two parsers for
 D: the C++ front end which dmd, gdc, and ldc use and the D front end which
 ddmd uses and which is based on the C++ front end. Both of those are under
 the GPL (which makes them useless for a lot of stuff) and both of them are
 tied to compilers. Being able to lex D code and get the list of tokens in
 a D program and being able to parse D code and get the resultant abstract
 syntax tree would be very useful for a number of programs.

I fully support this. We desperately need it, I guess, working and maintained along language evolution. This is the whole purpose of the GSOC proposal "D tools in D": http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GSOC_2011_Ideas#DtoolsinD
Semantic analysis, introduced step by step, would be a huge plus.

vita es estrany

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