On Thursday, 16 June 2022 at 16:37:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Agreed but that excludes using the D runtime in 'static this' (and shared) blocks, right?

It is runtime.initialize that calls those `static this` blocks.

If my explicit call to Initialize is in a 'shared static this'

This is backward - the explicit call to Initalize is in the exe. It'd look like:

// this code is in the exe! pretend it is C++ or whatever

HANDLE lib = LoadLibrary("my_d_lib.dll");
if(lib !is null) {
auto fn = cast(typeof(init_func)) GetProcAddress("Initialize");
     if(fn !is null) {
fn(); // this now calls runtime.initialize which calls the static this blocks etc
          // you're now good to call any D functions

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