On Monday, 20 June 2022 at 00:43:17 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
But when the program interacts with piped data, there may be multiple \n characters and all of those might have to be ignored before reading the next non-empty line. So you may want to do readln.strip multiple times? I don't know. It all depends on the use case.


Thank you for your input, Ali! Would it be appropriate to forego `readf` and read input as a string using `readln` ,benefiting from the `strip` function, then convert to their appropriate datatype as in the following example?:

module hello_world;

import std.stdio;
import std.string; // strip()
import std.conv; // to!int(),to!float()

void main() {
        writeln("Hello world from D!");
        write("What is your name? ");
        auto fname = readln.strip;
        writeln("It's so nice to meet you ", fname, "!");
        write("How old are you? ");
        auto age = to!int(readln.strip);
        write("What is your GPA? ");
        auto gpa = to!float(readln.strip);
writeln("So, ", fname, ", you are ", age, " years old and your GPA is ",
                gpa, ".. stellar!");
Also I signed up with Educative.io to do your interactive D language lessons. It really goes so well with your book :)


Gary Chike

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