On Saturday, 16 July 2022 at 20:46:00 UTC, HuskyNator wrote:
is raises 3 questions for me.
1. Are there any nasty pitfalls with this change that might force me to find a workaround? (eg. en/decoding issues or the like?)

This is strictly a C mechanism, and only on Windows. So refer to the C documentation on said pitfalls.

2. Does this mean readText reads in binary mode?

readText comes from std.file, and basically just reads a file into an array of char[] instead of an array of ubyte[]. It does no translation for line endings. It does validate the text is valid utf and makes sure the BOM is correct.

3. The documentation refers to `the same semantics as in the C standard library fopen function`, would this also include the "x" subspecifier in C2011?

D directly calls fopen from C, so I would imagine this is true if you use a C library that has the subspecifier.


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